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  • Writer's pictureNaila Siraj

Mango vanilla pudding with home made granola

Mango vanilla pudding with homemade granola

I just used whatever was handy

  • 1 cup mango puree(add some sugar if needed)

  • 1 pack plain or mango flavoured jello/or use 2 tsp gelatine dissolved in hot water

  • Vanilla pudding -feel free to make from scratch, I wasn’t in the mood and used half pack of boxed vanilla puffing ,

  • Add gelatine or jello in few tbsp hot water till dissolved,add to mango puree and pour in your bowls

  • Let rest in fridge overnight or 2-4 hours

  • Make pudding according to package directions and pour over mango mixture

  • Let set again in fridge 2 hours or so

  • Sprinkle granola on top or any nuts

  • Honey if you want

  • Simple!!!!

  • I’ll share the granola recipe soon

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