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  • Writer's pictureNaila Siraj

Labanese tabouleh

Labanese Tabouleh

This is my version to satisfy my taste buds so no food nazis here ,(this is not authentic true version😊)

- [ ] Tomatoes 2 medium chopped in small pieces

- [ ] bulgur 1 cup (i like coarse bulgar)

- [ ] 1 clove garlic minced

- [ ] mint big handful chop the leaves

- [ ] fresh green chilli 1 diced finely

- [ ] flat-leaf parsley 11/2 -2 large bunches dice finely

- [ ] Red onion 1 chopped finely

- [ ] Cucumbers 2 diced in small pieces

- [ ] Olives 7-8 sliced

- [ ] ground black pepper 1/2 tsp

- [ ] salt 1 tsp

- [ ] Juice of 2 lemons

- [ ] 1/2 tsp lemon zest

- [ ] olive oil 1/4 cup

First step is to cook bulgar and let it cool completely before adding it to salad

You can buy it at most middle eastern stores or even regular grocery stores, I like coarse bulgar but traditionally this salad needs fine or medium ground bulgar

- [ ] To cook simply boil 2 cups water add 1/4 tsp salt and 1 cloves garlic minced in it when boiled add the bulgar , boil till water absorbs and then cover and cook on low heat for 10 minutes ,leave covered for 5 minutes, then fluff with fork, let cool

- [ ] Then mix bulgar and tomatoes and toss a bit

- [ ] Adjust salt pepper and lemon if more needed to your liking

- [ ] Add everything else and mix gently , keep in fridge for 20 minutes or longer to absorb all the flavours and then serve with whatever you like!

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