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  • Writer's pictureNaila Siraj

Gauva ,lime and strawberry drink

Updated: May 7, 2020

  • 2.5 cups gauva juice

  • 2 cups sparkling water

  • 3 strawberries diced small pieces

  • 1lime slice and one juiced

  • 2-3tbsp sugar to rim glasses

  • mint8-10 leaves chopped in small pieces

  1. roughly mash berries with mint and juice of half lime

  2. mix gauva juice with the juice of half a lime

  3. in shallow pan or plate mix half tsp of berrie mix with sugar and roll rims of glasses in it

  4. pour berries mix in 4 glasses eqally and a slice of lime in each glass

  5. add gauva juice mixture to it (will be a bit more than half a glass)

  6. add sparkling water ,ice ,more mint if desired and can add a bit of that sugar if u want!

  7. enjoy!!!

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