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  • Writer's pictureNaila Siraj

Easiest yummiest creamsicle


Soooo good and so easy

Make this a day ahead as the only thing that takes time in this is the freezing!!

This makes 6-8 ice creams,i made four and the rest I had made into bites by freezing the mixture in ice cubes and later covered with chocolate and peanuts

Today i used dehydrated raspberries and chocolate chips

  • 2cups heavy cream

  • 350gram can of condensed milk

  • 1/2tbsp vanilla

  • Pinch of salt

  • U can skip condensed milk and just add sugar if u want to cream and mix well

  • 1/2cup semisweet chocolate chips

  • 3-4tbsp olive or any vegetable/coconut oil ,(nothing strong tasting)

  • For ice cream mix the cream ,condensed milk,vanilla and salt

  • Thats it pour into molds for popsickle or ice cube trays or just on square pan and cut into rectangle or squares later

  • Let it freeze overnight or full 24 hours

  • For chocolate coating put in a narrow cup and add oil and microwave for 30 seconds

  • Then mix and micro again till all melted if it still feels thick add the extra oil and mix well

  • Let it cool for 3-5minutes

  • Then dip the popsicles in chocolate and let extra drip off

  • Drizzle whatever u want on it quickly nuts,chocolate chips,dehydrated fruits etc and put on parchment lined pan and refreeze 5-10min

  • These do melt quick

  • Loved them today after the spicy food😂

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