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  • Writer's pictureNaila Siraj

Coconut blueberry and peach tart with thyme and maple glaze

blueberry,peach and coconut pastry/tart with thyme and maple glaze

This is just a mish mash of what I found in pantry and fridge as I wanted to take advantage of the peach season

I used store bought puff pastry ,you can make your own ,I just had a lot of other things to do so wasn’t going to spend my time on that🤷🏻‍♀️

  • 1puff pastry sheet

  • 1 cup desiccated or shredded coconut ,you can use sweetened

  • 5 peaches thinly sliced

  • Blueberries 1/2-1 cup

  • Cream cheese 250 grams

  • Coconut extract 1/2 tsp

  • Optional is 1 tbsp coconut cream

  • 1 tbsp , (feel free to use more )powdered sugar,more to garnish

  • Maple syrup 2,tbsp

  • Thyme leaves 1 tbsp

  • In a bowl add peaches ,thyme and maple syrup and toss well

  • Just mix /whisk the cheese , coconut, sugar, coconut extract and cream till smooth

  • Put puff pastry in your pie or sheet pan and spread cheese mix

  • Leave 11/2-2 inch borders empty ,

  • Add peaches and blueberries in whatever way you like

  • Close the borders onto the pie/tart see last pic and you can press down or crimp

  • With a brush or you hands rub some of that maple syrup on the edges or you can use egg wash and pour if any syrup left in bowl on top

  • Bake at 350F for 30-40 minutes till edges puffed and golden

  • Sprinkle icing sugar on too and some coconut if you like!

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