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  • Writer's pictureNaila Siraj

Chicken mandi /arabic rice and chicken

Chicken mandi and rice

i have been wanting to try this Arabic dish for some time ,this may not be the most authentic way as I cant really follow the recipes and get sidetracked with my own ideas of what I should do ,but this turned out really really good

Its better to marinate the chicken for at least 2-3 hours. I did leave it with marinade overnight in fridge

  • 1 chicken in large pieces , I used 4 leg and thighs

  • 2 cups rice

  • Oil 4 tbsp

Marinade :

✓ 1/3 cup roasted corriander seeds

✓ 1/3 cup roasted cumin seeds

✓1/4 cup black peppercorns

✓ 2 tablspoon green cardamom pods

✓ 1 tsp cloves

✓ 1 stick cinnamon

✓ 1 tbsp turmeric powder

  • 2 tsp salt

  • 2 tbsp oil

Mix all except salt and oil in a grinder into powder form and separate 2 tbsp for the rice. To use later

Marinate the chicken with the rest and add oil and salt now and leave for few hours

Bake at 400F uncovered 20 minutes then at 350 another 20 minutes ,if turning too brown cover with foil

Next prepare the mandi rice

For 2cups rice

✓2 onions sliced

✓ 1 bay leaf

✓ 2-3 cardamom

✓ 1 small cinnamon stick

✓ 11/2 tsp salt

✓ 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

✓ 2 cloves and few black peppercorn

✓ toasted almonds 1/2 cup

  • Raisins 1/2 cup

Heat the other 2tbsp oil and brown onion it in , remove half of that onion and keep separate to garnish add the raisins and remove as well after 1-2 minutes now add the whole spices in it and the 2tbsp of spice you saved Add 31/2 cups water when boils add rice and now remove the chicken and add on top of rice

Cover with a tight lid ,add foil before lid if you think not a tight seal

Boil for 1-2 minutes on high heat and then turn it to very low heat,cook untouched for 22-25 minutes

Once done add the fried onions and raisins and toasted almonds on too

Tomato chutney

✓2 tomatoes i used about 20 cherry tomatoes

✓ 1 onion vhopped

✓3 green chillies chopped

✓1 bunch cilantro roughly chopped

✓ juice of 1 lime

✓1/4 tsp or to taste salt

✓ little water1-2 tsp

Now blend it all!!! Easy peasy

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